Laser cleaning machines provide high precision, efficiency and non-contact method to remove contaminants from surfaces without damaging the base material. Laser cleaning technology, due to its efficiency, precision, and adaptability to a wide range of material types, is increasingly becoming the preferred alternative to traditional industrial cleaning methods.

Laser Cleaning Features:

  • Non-contact cleaning without damaging the substrate.
  • Precise control of the laser energy output to target specific areas for highly accurate cleaning results.
  • High flexibility and efficiency for cleaning a wide range of materials such as metal, stone, wood and plastics.
  • Environmentally friendly, no harmful chemicals are used.
  • Reduces material waste and labor costs.

DPLASER proveice handheld laser cleaning machine to help you remove paint, oxide, rust, coats, electrolytes, and other contaminants from metal surfaces. We customize pulsed laser cleaners and continuous wave laser cleaning machines for different industrial cleaning needs.


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